What is the Biggest Giant in your Life?

I sat beside my daughter as we asked this question together to the missionaries from Church at the Mill and First Baptist Simpsonville in Alaska. Not only did my daughter go on mission with me but we also lead the devotional together. It was a blessing to sit beside her and hear her amazing, sweet voice share of how God had used her in a moment that was uncomfortable. But before I get to that, I want to share my story. We spoke on Numbers 13-14 where Moses was asked to send twelve spies into the promised land. When they returned they said, Yes, this land is all that God has promised. The problem is we cannot take it. There are giants there. Only Joshua and Caleb looked past the giants to see what God had promised them. I then shared a story of a previous mission trip and an uncomfortable encounter I had with a drunken Indian man. Like any other mission trip, I had a planned out mission which was to help lead a basketball camp and share Jesus with children. But along the way I encountered a drunken Indian man who was ignored by most because of his condition. I, myself, battled God on sharing Jesus with this man. After God won the battle however, I spoke to this man and shared my savior with him. No, he did not get saved on the spot, but I told him how much he was loved and that Jesus sent me three thousand miles just to tell him that and that what he was looking for was not in that half empty bottle of whiskey he was holding. I saw this man change, he was no longer a drunk old man, but he became a child before my very eyes. I prayed over this man and have many times since then. Now back to Avalea. She too shared of taking on a request to lead FCA at school. She did not feel adequate and questioned God on would her voice have any impact. Although uncomfortable, God won that battle too. Avalea shared about how she stood before 250+ students and shared about the love of her Heavenly Father. Afterward, she had a girl she knew but was not friends with come to her privately and say she wanted to know the Father she spoke about. Avalea listened to her story and encouraged the little girl. Just weeks later at another FCA, this little girl accepted Jesus as her Lord and Savior.

So I will ask you again….what is the biggest Giant in your life? Most respond with financial concerns, business, maybe a sin that rules over you. Avalea and I shared that today, most Christians fear the giant of “uncomfortable.” We do our best to stay in our comfort zones which does not include going out of our way to share the gospel with those around us and we are teaching our children to do the same. We left the missionaries with this challenge…as the mission is not over when we get home. In the coming weeks, be willing to get uncomfortable and intentional about sharing the gospel. God will provide the opportunity. Our voice may be the only voice another person hears, and if not the only voice, the last voice!


New Year’s Disciplines


You sound weird!